DSN @ Home : SOS : Project is offline due to Unbuntu 7.1 updates (some 199 in all), no fix in sight ...
(too old to reply)
Max Power
2008-03-24 02:05:45 UTC
DSN @ Home : Project is offline due to Unbuntu 7.1 updates (some 199 in
all), no fix in sight ...

URL, for now
-- http://hireme.geek.nz/dsn-at-home.html

Computer project is running on:
-- The computer is fine, however minimalist its design.
-- It is the OS software that is kaput.

Even though I have been Unix and Linux off and on for years, there is no
Unbuntu or Debian related fix (editing a *.conf file) for this update

I have no idea what update killed the network connectivity.
-- Network cards recognized OK, USB is OK.
-- DHCP seems to work.
-- The effects of more than one update can kill network connectivity.
-- Booting in autoconfig mode helps but does not fix the problem.
-- USB or Ethernet, no connection seems to work.

My last www connectivity problem was resolved by swapping USB net
connection, as the Ethernet connection that should have worked just did not.
WWW connectivity lasted until I updated the PC with the required 199
updates. I have not had connectivity (beyond since.

Upgrading to:
... may actually be dangerous in this case.

+++ There is no CD/DVD-ROM on my MiniPC.
++ I have ZERO (1gb, 2gb or 8gb) FLASH memory cards.
+ I know of no utility to install *.iso (image files) to FLASH cards on my
Vista PC.

Doomsday option
I have to consider trading my CPU for a new Mac OS X CPU.
It must have the Apple Care package.
HOWEVER, I do not have any spare cash -- and I can't afford Apple products.


== Project rescue option ==
Is there anyone in Puget Sound that is interested in buying me a Mac for
this project?
-- http://www.apple.com/buy/locator/index.html?q=98115
I don't believe any local Apple store in my region is interested in
providing support to the distributed computing movement. I could almost
assume the same for US Apple user groups.
-- I considered the Mini Mac for the project, but (700 + 150) USD was way
beyond what I could afford. Some memory upgrades would have added to the

You can get my current CPU in return.
-- Future Unbuntu OSes probably will work fine on it, when upgraded with a
FLASH memory card.
Dirk T. Verbeek
2008-03-24 12:32:21 UTC
Post by Max Power
-- The computer is fine, however minimalist its design.
-- It is the OS software that is kaput.
+++ There is no CD/DVD-ROM on my MiniPC.
So how dit you get Ubuntu 7.01 installed in the first place???
Post by Max Power
++ I have ZERO (1gb, 2gb or 8gb) FLASH memory cards.
+ I know of no utility to install *.iso (image files) to FLASH cards on
my Vista PC.
Have a look on the net, there are ways to make a bootable (USB) flash drive.
An other option is a USB CD/DVD drive, surely you can borrow one for a
few days.
Post by Max Power
Doomsday option
I have to consider trading my CPU for a new Mac OS X CPU.
It must have the Apple Care package.
HOWEVER, I do not have any spare cash -- and I can't afford Apple products.
Then fix your present box!
Sounds like a nice rig for the purpose.

You might have to lay out some cash for a USB memory stick or just ask
the pertinent questions in this group (alt.os.linux.ubuntu) or the
Ubuntu Forum.

You could start by posting here how you are so sure DHCP and the network
card are OK.

A ping or trace would be nice too.
Dirk T. Verbeek
2008-03-24 13:03:43 UTC
So how dit you get Ubuntu 7.10 installed in the first place???
Oops, I see it came pre-installed...
Anyhow, just get something USB to boot off, it might even be possible to
boot from a network share.
2008-03-26 00:50:20 UTC
Post by Dirk T. Verbeek
So how dit you get Ubuntu 7.10 installed in the first place???
Oops, I see it came pre-installed...
Anyhow, just get something USB to boot off, it might even be possible to
boot from a network share.
Which is a good way to get an installation system from.

And/or tells us the output of these commands:
cat /etc/network/interfaces
cat /etc/apt/source.list
cat /etc/resolv.conf
/sbin/route -n

(to begin with)
