BOINCstats: if you are launching a new project, how do you contact the webmaster to get your stats echoed and tracked by this website?
(too old to reply)
Max Power
2008-03-06 22:51:58 UTC
BOINCstats: if you are launching a new project, how do you contact the
webmaster to get your stats echoed and tracked by this website?

http://boincstats.com/bam/ -- Even if you have an account there



seems to provide any place for project managers to make contact to make the
necessary website revisions to get the stats exporting feature working.
2008-03-07 10:04:13 UTC
Post by Max Power
BOINCstats: if you are launching a new project, how do you contact the
webmaster to get your stats echoed and tracked by this website?
Just put a post in the 'new projects' forum and someone will make sure that
Willy is aware of it. Read the rules first though - You need permission if
you are not the owner of the project.

Everyone loves a new project, so a post in the forum will get you lots of
new users :-)

