Testing of distributed systems.
(too old to reply)
2006-05-31 10:25:04 UTC
Hi, I would like to know how to test a distributed system. I mean the
differents approaches for testing.
I am not interested in tools but litteratures that explain it. Thank in
advance for your replies. Regards, Erika.
2006-06-01 08:03:06 UTC
Post by erika
Hi, I would like to know how to test a distributed system. I mean the
differents approaches for testing.
I am not interested in tools but litteratures that explain it. Thank in
advance for your replies. Regards, Erika.
I don't know of any book devoted directly to the testing of distributed
systems. But I had to test several systems in practice, and I would have
been very happy if I had a book!
To a certain extend, you can perform the test after bringing all
components into a lab. But this does not suffice since lab communication
is reliable and 'real' communication is not. This applies in particual
to mobile communication which is extremely unreliable. Good test
environments require appropriate network simulators. But how can you
simulate unreliability? The only test is reality, and we did that.
