What are the internal fax contact numbers for the NASA Pluto and Voyager Missions?
(too old to reply)
Max Power
2006-02-11 04:42:32 UTC
What are the internal fax contact numbers for the NASA Pluto and Voyager
-- NASA TV Fax # would be a plus too...

I need to pass on a technical proposal relating to craft mission
telecommunications (telemetry reception).
The nature of the proposal does not need traditional peer review as it is a
distributed computing project.

I would like to pass the same proposal on to the (North American branch of
the) European Space Agency (ESA), as NASA may be totally inept or downright
unhelpful when it comes to implementing the proposal.

NASA's monopoly on space research vanished long ago -- and NASA and its
"hanger ons" may lack either the intellect or will power to implement this
The proposal itself is not expensive, but it does have great public appeal.
Henry Spencer
2006-02-12 10:54:33 UTC
Post by Max Power
What are the internal fax contact numbers for the NASA Pluto and Voyager
I need to pass on a technical proposal relating to craft mission
telecommunications (telemetry reception).
The hard, cold fact is that nobody who knows internal contact numbers is
at all likely to give them out to an unknown person, using what looks like
it might be a pseudonym, at a university email address. The whole point
of internal numbers, after all, is that they are *not* given out to just
anyone who asks for them.

What a knowledgeable person might do, after hearing considerably more
detail about your proposal, is offer to pass a short writeup of it to the
project people. *They* would then get in touch with *you* if they think
it's worth pursuing.
Post by Max Power
The nature of the proposal does not need traditional peer review as it is a
distributed computing project.
"It doesn't need peer review" tends to be a red flag to people trying to
decide whether your proposal is worth looking at. Such phrases get used a
lot by cranks. That's the *last* impression you want to give if you want
your idea seriously evaluated.

Any novel, technically-sound idea that could improve spacecraft
communications, by distributed computing or any other means, will be
enough to get at least one peer-reviewed paper published. That's also an
excellent way to give it credibility, bring it to the attention of the
project people, and firmly associate your name with it. If you'd rather
not go that route, that's not a total disqualification, but you really
need a better reason than "it's not necessary". It *is* the normal route.
Post by Max Power
NASA's monopoly on space research vanished long ago -- and NASA and its
"hanger ons" may lack either the intellect or will power to implement this
Insulting the people you're trying to convince to look at your idea is not
good tactics. And it's another mark of a crank, by the way. (NASA *can*
be pretty ossified in some ways, but there is a time to say that and a
time to politely keep quiet about it.)
spsystems.net is temporarily off the air; | Henry Spencer
mail to henry at zoo.utoronto.ca instead. | ***@spsystems.net
Volker Hetzer
2006-02-12 14:20:25 UTC
Post by Max Power
What are the internal fax contact numbers for the NASA Pluto and Voyager
-- NASA TV Fax # would be a plus too...
I need to pass on a technical proposal relating to craft mission
telecommunications (telemetry reception).
The nature of the proposal does not need traditional peer review as it is a
distributed computing project.
I would like to pass the same proposal on to the (North American branch of
the) European Space Agency (ESA), as NASA may be totally inept or downright
unhelpful when it comes to implementing the proposal.
NASA's monopoly on space research vanished long ago -- and NASA and its
"hanger ons" may lack either the intellect or will power to implement this
The proposal itself is not expensive, but it does have great public appeal.

And yes, you'll go through the crackpot screening just like everyone else.

Lots of Greetings!
Damon Hill
2006-02-12 08:58:37 UTC
Post by Max Power
I would like to pass the same proposal on to the (North American
branch of the) European Space Agency (ESA), as NASA may be totally
inept or downright unhelpful when it comes to implementing the
NASA's monopoly on space research vanished long ago -- and NASA and
its "hanger ons" may lack either the intellect or will power to
implement this proposal.
This proposal will die of self-inflicted injuries.

Ken Taylor
2006-02-14 04:06:22 UTC
Post by Max Power
What are the internal fax contact numbers for the NASA Pluto and Voyager
-- NASA TV Fax # would be a plus too...
I need to pass on a technical proposal relating to craft mission
telecommunications (telemetry reception).
The nature of the proposal does not need traditional peer review as it is a
distributed computing project.
I would like to pass the same proposal on to the (North American branch of
the) European Space Agency (ESA), as NASA may be totally inept or downright
unhelpful when it comes to implementing the proposal.
NASA's monopoly on space research vanished long ago -- and NASA and its
"hanger ons" may lack either the intellect or will power to implement this
The proposal itself is not expensive, but it does have great public appeal.
Since you have a disdain for them, why not submit to the SetiAtHome people,
as they run numerous distributed programs.

R. Widmar
2006-03-02 01:24:57 UTC
Post by Max Power
What are the internal fax contact numbers for the NASA Pluto and Voyager
You may want to try and make a contact through the mission control at,

