new book: Petascale Computing: Algorithms and Applications
(too old to reply)
Eugene Miya
2007-11-08 00:38:47 UTC
The c.p. alternate moderator and IEEE TCPP list coordinator is
coming out with a new book next week.

%A David Bader, ed.
%T Petascale Computing: Algorithms and Applications
%I CRC Press
%C Atlanta, GA
%D 2007

I have no doubt that Dave would be fully happy if every one bought his
new book.

I'll send out the table of contents as soon as we nail it down.

And my journal is more than happy to accept a book review.

Eugene Miya
2007-11-08 23:14:21 UTC
This is the TOC of Dave's new book, page numbers to be added to refer later.
Any keywords or annotations can be mailed to me for inclusion, or
links, or ...

%A David Bader, ed.
%T Petascale Computing: Algorithms and Applications
%I CRC Press
%C Atlanta, GA
%D 2007
%K book, text,

%A John Shalf
%A Leonid Oliker
%A Michael Lijewski
%A Shoaib Kamil
%A Jonathan Carter
%A Andrew Canning
%A Stehane Ethier
%T Performance Characteristics of Potential Petascale Scientific Applications
%B Petascale Computing: Algorithms and Applications
%E David Bader
%I CRC Press
%C Atlanta, GA
%D 2007

%A Rupak Biswas
%A Michael Aftosmis
%A Cetin Kiris
%A Bo-Wen Shen
%T Petascale Computing: Impact on Future NASA Missions
%B Petascale Computing: Algorithms and Applications
%E David Bader
%I CRC Press
%C Atlanta, GA
%D 2007

%A Steven F. Ashby
%A John M. May
%T Multiphysics Simulations and Petascale Computing
%B Petascale Computing: Algorithms and Applications
%E David Bader
%I CRC Press
%C Atlanta, GA
%D 2007

%A Justin Luitjens
%A Bryan Worthen
%A Martin Berzins
%A Thomas C. Henderson
%T Scalable Parallel AMR for the Uintah Multi-Physics Code
%B Petascale Computing: Algorithms and Applications
%E David Bader
%I CRC Press
%C Atlanta, GA
%D 2007

%A Michael L. Norman
%A James Bordner
%A Daniel Reynolds
%A Rick Wagner
%A Greg L. Bryan
%A Robert Harkness
%A Brian O'Shea
%T Simulating Cosmological Evolution with Enzo
%B Petascale Computing: Algorithms and Applications
%E David Bader
%I CRC Press
%C Atlanta, GA
%D 2007

%A Ming Xue
%A Kelvin K. Droegemeier
%A Daniel Weber
%T Numerical Prediction of High-Impact Local Weather:
A Driver for Petascale Computing
%B Petascale Computing: Algorithms and Applications
%E David Bader
%I CRC Press
%C Atlanta, GA
%D 2007

%A John B. Drake
%A Philip W. Jones
%A Mariana Vertenstein
%A James B. White, III
%A Patrick H. Worley
%T Software Design for Petascale Climate Science
%B Petascale Computing: Algorithms and Applications
%E David Bader
%I CRC Press
%C Atlanta, GA
%D 2007

%A Alfons G. Hoekstra
%A Simon Portegies Zwart
%A Marian Bubak
%A Peter M.A. Sloot
%T Toward Distributed Petascale Computing
%B Petascale Computing: Algorithms and Applications
%E David Bader
%I CRC Press
%C Atlanta, GA
%D 2007

%A Klaus Schulten
%A James C. Phillips
%A Laxmikant V. Kale
%A Abhinav Bhatele
%T Biomolecular Modeling in the Era of Petascale Computing
%B Petascale Computing: Algorithms and Applications
%E David Bader
%I CRC Press
%C Atlanta, GA
%D 2007

%A Makoto Taiji
%A Tetsu Narumi
%A Yousuke Ohno
%T Petascale Special-Purpose Computer for Molecular Dynamics Simulations
%B Petascale Computing: Algorithms and Applications
%E David Bader
%I CRC Press
%C Atlanta, GA
%D 2007

%A Pratul K. Agarwal
%A Sadaf R. Alam
%A Al Geist
%T Simulating Biomolecules on the Petascale Supercomputers
%B Petascale Computing: Algorithms and Applications
%E David Bader
%I CRC Press
%C Atlanta, GA
%D 2007

%A Kamesh Madduri
%A David A. Bader
%A Jonathan W. Berry
%A Joseph R. Crobak
%A Bruce A. Hendrickson
%T Multithreaded Algorithms for Processing Massive Graphs
%B Petascale Computing: Algorithms and Applications
%E David Bader
%I CRC Press
%C Atlanta, GA
%D 2007

%A Jack J. Dongarra
%A Zizhong Chen
%A George Bosilca
%A Julien Langou
%T Disaster Survival Guide in Petascale Computing: An Algorithmic Approach
%B Petascale Computing: Algorithms and Applications
%E David Bader
%I CRC Press
%C Atlanta, GA
%D 2007

%A Satoshi Matsuoka
%T The Road to TSUBAME and Beyond
%B Petascale Computing: Algorithms and Applications
%E David Bader
%I CRC Press
%C Atlanta, GA
%D 2007

%A Christian Bischof
%A Dieter an Mey
%A Christian Terboven
%A Samuel Sarholz
%T Petaflops Basics--Performance from SMP Building Blocks
%B Petascale Computing: Algorithms and Applications
%E David Bader
%I CRC Press
%C Atlanta, GA
%D 2007

%A Erich Strohmaier
%T Performance and Its Complexity on Petascale Systems
%B Petascale Computing: Algorithms and Applications
%E David Bader
%I CRC Press
%C Atlanta, GA
%D 2007

%A Michael Gerndt
%A Karl Furlinger
%T Highly Scalable Performance Analysis Tools
%B Petascale Computing: Algorithms and Applications
%E David Bader
%I CRC Press
%C Atlanta, GA
%D 2007

%A Christoph Freundl
%A Tobias Gradl
%A Ulrich Rude
%A Benjamin Bergen
%T Toward Petascale Multilevel Finite Element Solvers
%B Petascale Computing: Algorithms and Applications
%E David Bader
%I CRC Press
%C Atlanta, GA
%D 2007

%A Anders Logg
%A Kent-Andre Mardal
%A Martin Sandve Alnaes
%A Hans Petter Langtangen
%A Ola Skavhaug
%T A Hybrid Approach to Efficient Finite Element Code Development
%B Petascale Computing: Algorithms and Applications
%E David Bader
%I CRC Press
%C Atlanta, GA
%D 2007

%A Laxmikant V. Kale
%A Eric Bohm
%A Celso L. Mendes
%A Terry Wilmarth
%A Gengbin Zheng
%T Programming Petascale Applications with Charm++
%B Petascale Computing: Algorithms and Applications
%E David Bader
%I CRC Press
%C Atlanta, GA
%D 2007

%A Boyana Norris
%A Albert Hartono
%A William Gropp
%T Annotations for Productivity and Performance Portability
%B Petascale Computing: Algorithms and Applications
%E David Bader
%I CRC Press
%C Atlanta, GA
%D 2007

%A Roxana E. Diaconescu
%A Hans P. Zima
%T Locality Awareness in a High-Productivity Programming Language
%B Petascale Computing: Algorithms and Applications
%E David Bader
%I CRC Press
%C Atlanta, GA
%D 2007

%A Uwe Kuster
%A Michael Resch
%T Architectural and Programming Issues for Sustained Petaflop Performance
%B Petascale Computing: Algorithms and Applications
%E David Bader
%I CRC Press
%C Atlanta, GA
%D 2007

%A Erik Schnetter
%A Christian D. Ott
%A Gabrielle Allen
%A Peter Diener
%A Tom Goodale
%A Thomas Radke
%A Edward Seidel
%A John Shalf
%T Cactus Framework: Black Holes to Gamma Ray Bursts
%B Petascale Computing: Algorithms and Applications
%E David Bader
%I CRC Press
%C Atlanta, GA
%D 2007

--Mr. Subliminal...--

