c.d admin: Conference announcements
(too old to reply)
David DiNucci
2006-05-31 18:16:37 UTC
I have been getting lots of conference announcements that naturally
belong on comp.distributed. Although I have *nothing* to do with these
conferences, I'm going to start passing the more obvious of them along
to this newsgroup (e.g. those coming through IEEE-TCSC, and perhaps some
announcements from the GGF). It would make much more sense if those who
are sending these out in the first place would post them here, and if
that begins to happen (or readers protest strongly for whatever reason),
I'll back off. Please don't contact me to find out anything more about
these, because I don't know.

David DiNucci
2006-05-31 18:50:45 UTC
Post by David DiNucci
I have been getting lots of conference announcements that naturally
belong on comp.distributed. Although I have *nothing* to do with these
conferences, I'm going to start passing the more obvious of them along
to this newsgroup (e.g. those coming through IEEE-TCSC, and perhaps some
announcements from the GGF).
I am deleting any headers or footers of original senders, especially
when they might contain email addresses or other messages which the
sender might not have intended to be widely broadcast. For now, I am
not reposting messages which were not in plaintext ascii (e.g. were in
HTML or special character encodings) when I received them.

Since I didn't foresee the preprocessing that this would require, I am
likely to perform this reposting only intermittently.

David C. DiNucci
