Without an admin account, will I be able to setup MPI on several Linux machines?
(too old to reply)
2007-01-11 04:16:49 UTC
Hi all,

Here I've found a few linux machines that are connected to the Intenert. But
they don't have MPI installed. I don't have admin account. Will I be able to
install the MPI and utilize the parallelization?

Logan Shaw
2007-01-11 04:47:32 UTC
Post by Mike
Here I've found a few linux machines that are connected to the Intenert. But
they don't have MPI installed. I don't have admin account. Will I be able to
install the MPI and utilize the parallelization?
If you need root access to a Linux machine for testing, just go download a
Live CD from somewhere. You can boot off the CD on any PC without having
to modify (or even access) what's on the hard drive.

- Logan
2007-01-11 07:33:28 UTC
Post by Logan Shaw
Post by Mike
Here I've found a few linux machines that are connected to the Intenert.
But they don't have MPI installed. I don't have admin account. Will I be
able to install the MPI and utilize the parallelization?
If you need root access to a Linux machine for testing, just go download a
Live CD from somewhere. You can boot off the CD on any PC without having
to modify (or even access) what's on the hard drive.
- Logan
No, I am not talking about testing. I found a few Linux boxes, I really want
to run parallel program on them.

But I am not admin, and there is no MPI on them.
Joe Pfeiffer
2007-01-11 05:29:56 UTC
Post by Mike
Hi all,
Here I've found a few linux machines that are connected to the Intenert. But
they don't have MPI installed. I don't have admin account. Will I be able to
install the MPI and utilize the parallelization?
Yes. You'll have to get the source, compile, and install to your own
directory (unless there's something clever in .rpm or .deb that I've
missed up to now).
Joseph J. Pfeiffer, Jr., Ph.D. Phone -- (505) 646-1605
Department of Computer Science FAX -- (505) 646-1002
New Mexico State University http://www.cs.nmsu.edu/~pfeiffer
2007-01-11 07:37:21 UTC
Post by Joe Pfeiffer
Post by Mike
Hi all,
Here I've found a few linux machines that are connected to the Intenert. But
they don't have MPI installed. I don't have admin account. Will I be able to
install the MPI and utilize the parallelization?
Yes. You'll have to get the source, compile, and install to your own
directory (unless there's something clever in .rpm or .deb that I've
missed up to now).
It's Ubuntoo Linux, are there any good distribution available? I am not very
good in Linux. If the rebuilding fails, I will be stuck.

Do I need to install MPI on all of the Linux machines?

My account/storage is a network account, so every Linux I log on (my
school's Linux machine) already sees my account/storage. I guess I don't
need to install on all Linux machines, as long as I install it into my own
network account/directory... am I right?

Will I be able to run parallel program even if I don't have admin root?

2007-01-11 09:33:39 UTC
Hi Mike,
Post by Mike
Post by Mike
Here I've found a few linux machines that are connected to the Intenert.
But they don't have MPI installed. I don't have admin account. Will I be
able to install the MPI and utilize the parallelization?
as already answered: yes
Post by Mike
My account/storage is a network account, so every Linux I log on (my
school's Linux machine) already sees my account/storage. I guess I don't
need to install on all Linux machines, as long as I install it into my
own network account/directory... am I right?
yes, this is correct and simplifies setup
Post by Mike
Will I be able to run parallel program even if I don't have admin root?

Look at http://www-user.tu-chemnitz.de/~chsi/lam_mpi_setup.txt for a
short (but complete) guide to setup and use MPI.

Chris Wilk
2007-01-12 08:31:51 UTC
Hi Mike,
Post by Mike
Here I've found a few linux machines that are connected to the Intenert. But
they don't have MPI installed. I don't have admin account. Will I be able to
install the MPI and utilize the parallelization?
It should work with most MPI implementations. Try installing LAM/MPI
<http://www.lammpi.org> as a regular user (you). Make sure you have SSH
connectivity among the hosts you want to utilise. For convenient use you
will also need the rights to use SSH with RSA keys with empty passwords.

Make also sure that MPI daemon runs on a non-privileged TCP port (i.e.
lower than 1024).

Hope this helps,

Chris Wilk ***@gridwisetech.com
Senior Consultant

GridwiseTech office/fax: +48 12 294 71 20
Mateusz Pabiś
2007-01-21 14:50:06 UTC
Post by Chris Wilk
It should work with most MPI implementations. Try installing LAM/MPI
<http://www.lammpi.org> as a regular user (you). Make sure you have SSH
connectivity among the hosts you want to utilise. For convenient use you
will also need the rights to use SSH with RSA keys with empty passwords.
LAM/MPI is not so good solution since it's no more under development.
You'd better go with OpenMPI (where developers from LAM/MPI moved to).
In addition, you'll be able to use some part of MPI2.0 specs (as
multiple threads, i.e.).

Best regards
Mateusz Pabis
Chris Wilk
2007-01-24 14:47:03 UTC
Post by Mateusz Pabiś
Post by Chris Wilk
It should work with most MPI implementations. Try installing LAM/MPI
<http://www.lammpi.org> as a regular user (you). Make sure you have
SSH connectivity among the hosts you want to utilise. For convenient
use you will also need the rights to use SSH with RSA keys with empty
LAM/MPI is not so good solution since it's no more under development.
You'd better go with OpenMPI (where developers from LAM/MPI moved to).
In addition, you'll be able to use some part of MPI2.0 specs (as
multiple threads, i.e.).
You might be right though some advanced LAM/MPI features (e.g. set of
SSI APIs) that are missing in OpenMPI.
Correct me if my knowledge of OpenMPI is inaccurate or outdated.

Chris Wilk ***@gridwisetech.com
Senior Consultant

GridwiseTech office/fax: +48 12 294 71 20