GPU Distributed computing
(too old to reply)
2005-09-04 12:46:15 UTC
Anyone know about gpu distributed computing project?
Kirk Pearson
2005-09-19 23:30:40 UTC
Post by Gennaro
Anyone know about gpu distributed computing project?
The project URL is http://gpu.sourceforge.net/ .

My summary of it, from http://distributedcomputing.info/upcoming.html#gpu ,

GPU, "a ***@lobal Processing Unit," will be a framework for distributed
computing based on the Gnutella peer-to-peer network. The project hopes to
use the platform "to support peaceful, open and free research through
supercomputing. The CPU-time sharing system does not recognize privileges
between users. Each person agrees to provide network resources as needed
and in return is able to get CPU-cycles from other clients on the network
system." The platform client currently allows sharing of files and some
basic computations. Plug-ins will extend the capabilities of client nodes
and will be optimized for users' CPU-types.

The GPU client is a graphical application with windows for file sharing,
computation, and other features. Windows version 0.916 of the client is
available as of May 22, 2005. It includes a new Pastella open-source
connection layer, DelphiPackageTool, and additional 2D statistics. Linux
users are requested to download the Windows version and run it in Wine.
Kirk Pearson, editor of http://distributedcomputing.info (news and
information about public distributed computing projects)
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