Help on Internet2!
(too old to reply)
2004-04-10 09:11:02 UTC
Hi there, currently i am doing a reserach on the Internet 2. I really
need to find information on Internet 2, so if anyone could suggest me
some websites to go to, i would really appreciate it. I would like to
find out information such as the difference between the current
Internet and the Internet2, what are some advantages and disadvantages
of Internet 2, how does the achitecture look like, what are some of
the applications that are currently using Internet 2 and so on.
Thanks in advance for those who helped me find the websites. Please
let me know the website URLs as i need to reference these findings.

Edward A. Feustel
2004-04-11 18:05:55 UTC
Post by jespreet
Hi there, currently i am doing a reserach on the Internet 2. I really
need to find information on Internet 2, so if anyone could suggest me
some websites to go to, i would really appreciate it. I would like to
find out information such as the difference between the current
Internet and the Internet2, what are some advantages and disadvantages
of Internet 2, how does the achitecture look like, what are some of
the applications that are currently using Internet 2 and so on.
Thanks in advance for those who helped me find the websites. Please
let me know the website URLs as i need to reference these findings.
Have you tried www.internet2.org and related sites?
