Broadcasting & RM-ODP???
(too old to reply)
John Chludzinski
2004-11-29 23:12:04 UTC
The ITU standard (for RM-ODP) discusses multicasting but makes no
mention of broadcasting. Assuming that broadcasting is different from
multicasting to all (the former uses no [explicit] addressing while
the latter does), how does RM-ODP handle broadcasting?

Edward A. Feustel
2004-11-30 11:43:23 UTC
Post by John Chludzinski
The ITU standard (for RM-ODP) discusses multicasting but makes no
mention of broadcasting. Assuming that broadcasting is different from
multicasting to all (the former uses no [explicit] addressing while
the latter does), how does RM-ODP handle broadcasting?
I can't answer your question.

But you might want to look at the book: "Open Distributed Processing and
by Gordon Blair and Jean-Bernard Stefani. ISBN0-201-17794-3. According to
the summary:
"Chapter 3: presents an analysis of the requirements of distributed
multimedia applications. Four key areas are examined: support for continuous
media, quality of service management, real-time synchronization and
multiparty communications.". The book gives examples in the Computational
View as well as the Engineering and Technology Views. Blair and Stefani are
approachable if you do not get the information you are seeking from their

You may also want to look at standards based on RM-ODP including TINA and
IMA's Multimedia System Services. TINA stands for Telecommunications
Information Networking Architecture and IMA stands for International
Multimedia Association.

Two of the things that impressed me about RM-ODP were its emphasis on
management of objects and communication streams and the ability to
co-ordinate multimedia streams. Note that RM-ODP concentrates its attention
on channels, not on protocols for transmission. The engineering view may
have to be augmented with an OSI or IP set of abstractions for dealing with
actual communications.

