Difference between cluster,grid,distributed computing
(too old to reply)
Saurabh Daptardar
2004-09-15 13:49:56 UTC
I require the exact definition and differences between the terms:
1) distributed computing
2) cluster
3) grid
Jan-Frode Myklebust
2004-09-15 20:09:41 UTC
Here's my definition.. :-)
Post by Saurabh Daptardar
1) distributed computing
Typically single purpose job running on a network of very
losely coupled machines. Cycle-harvesting home computers.
Very hostile environment, since you have no controle over
the machines you're running of. They might be booted at any
time, they might intentionally try to corrupt your results..
Post by Saurabh Daptardar
2) cluster
Tightly coupled set of machines. All run under the same
administrative domain, same userdatabase, same software available.
Post by Saurabh Daptardar
3) grid
Clusterering of administrative domains. Trying to connect
compute resources over multiple sites, making them appear as one

all mail refused
2004-09-15 20:12:42 UTC
Post by Saurabh Daptardar
1) distributed computing
2) cluster
3) grid
I require to know whether you have spelled your name correctly
and what is the full list of acceptable spellings. Also state
to the nearest gram the mass of your teeth. The teeth may be kept
and reused afterward if you wish. Thanks much.

More seriously is this a good place to discuss distributed
filesystems - AFS and others that might appeal as replacements
for NFS in a mixed Unix environment ?
Elvis Notargiacomo master AT barefaced DOT cheek
2004-09-16 15:01:50 UTC
Post by all mail refused
Post by Saurabh Daptardar
1) distributed computing
2) cluster
3) grid
I require to know whether you have spelled your name correctly
and what is the full list of acceptable spellings. Also state
to the nearest gram the mass of your teeth. The teeth may be kept
and reused afterward if you wish. Thanks much.
More seriously is this a good place to discuss distributed
filesystems - AFS and others that might appeal as replacements
for NFS in a mixed Unix environment ?
dunno, I have typically used smb, but this may be windows related...

I guess that is an ok topic for here, but what do I know.
it seems sad sometimes this group is less lively than is hoped, then it gets
more lively, and I realize I have nothing to really talk about or much
interest in the existing topics...
2004-09-16 15:34:36 UTC
Post by Saurabh Daptardar
1) distributed computing
2) cluster
3) grid
you ask what can't be given.
others have given the gist of it though.

for me it was: what is the difference between distributed and concurrent
there didn't seem to really be a clear answer to this.

then I got obsessed for a while on rpc until I realized a fairly important
fact: rpc is not concurrent programming. though the protocols can be viewed
as similar enough, the semantics can't. I was then roughly where I started.

then it becomes a little more clear: for current languages, concurrent
approaches are a worse fit than existing ones. why then to have them?
because they are a good fit for concurrent languages, but we are not using
concurrent languages...
rpc half-fits current languages, but costs a great deal and is in many ways
better off not used in most cases.

thus we have current approaches, ugly as they are they work best at the
current time.

but concurrency is a problem people will have to face in languages, and as
it is solved concurrent approaches will make sense. but we are in now, and
we are using single-processor machines as a general rule, and single
processor languages, so current approaches make sense.

it is a tacky answer, but for me "why" is something that needs to be
understood. "why" is comprable in importance to "what" or "how". "why" is
also the most painful to me, it serves too look back and laugh.

why is also the main block in my ideas, but what and how can change why as
much as why can change what and how.

or other seemingly pointless stuff.
I have been on these kind of tracks a lot recently...
Martin 53N 1W
2004-09-16 16:17:39 UTC
Post by cr88192
Post by Saurabh Daptardar
1) distributed computing
2) cluster
3) grid
you ask what can't be given.
others have given the gist of it though.
for me it was: what is the difference between distributed and concurrent
there didn't seem to really be a clear answer to this.

All a question of viewpoint and of whom is doing the classification!

Other questions are those of:

whether the overall task can be divided into fine-grained or
coarse-grained sub-tasks;

and what of 'dependancies' and 'locality' for the parallel (concurrent)
task threads.

And then also, there are many ways to skin many rabbits!

(And no mention of "paradigm" (;-))

---------- OS? What's that?!
- Martin - To most people, "Operating System" is unknown & strange.
- 53N 1W - Mandrake 10.0.1 GNU Linux - An OS for Supercomputers & PCs
---------- http://www.mandrakelinux.com/en-gb/concept.php3
2004-09-17 00:50:53 UTC
Post by Martin 53N 1W
Post by cr88192
Post by Saurabh Daptardar
1) distributed computing
2) cluster
3) grid
you ask what can't be given.
others have given the gist of it though.
for me it was: what is the difference between distributed and concurrent
there didn't seem to really be a clear answer to this.
All a question of viewpoint and of whom is doing the classification!
Post by Martin 53N 1W
whether the overall task can be divided into fine-grained or
coarse-grained sub-tasks;
and what of 'dependancies' and 'locality' for the parallel (concurrent)
task threads.
yes, also important features.
Post by Martin 53N 1W
And then also, there are many ways to skin many rabbits!
(And no mention of "paradigm" (;-))
that is one of those words that has been annoyingly overused in english
classes and similar, I get annoyed with it.
Martin 53N 1W
2004-09-17 12:59:30 UTC
Post by cr88192
Post by Martin 53N 1W
(And no mention of "paradigm" (;-))
that is one of those words that has been annoyingly overused in english
classes and similar, I get annoyed with it.
It does have a valid usage as in the 'philosophy and ways of how to do
something'. It's more common meaning is that the speaker doesn't
understand the idea and wants to impressively obfuscate it so that you
can't rise above that ignorance either!

Much better to just say it directly as it is (:-))

---------- OS? What's that?!
- Martin - To most people, "Operating System" is unknown & strange.
- 53N 1W - Mandrake 10.0.1 GNU Linux - An OS for Supercomputers & PCs
---------- http://www.mandrakelinux.com/en-gb/concept.php3
2004-09-17 16:44:19 UTC
Post by Martin 53N 1W
Post by cr88192
Post by Martin 53N 1W
(And no mention of "paradigm" (;-))
that is one of those words that has been annoyingly overused in english
classes and similar, I get annoyed with it.
It does have a valid usage as in the 'philosophy and ways of how to do
something'. It's more common meaning is that the speaker doesn't
understand the idea and wants to impressively obfuscate it so that you
can't rise above that ignorance either!
Much better to just say it directly as it is (:-))

I just got tired of it.
them always going on about the "paradigms" and "paradigm shifts", often wrt
trivial crap that likely wouldn't cause a problem for me anyways.

I prefer simpler words, like "model", or "different model". yes, it could be
argued that they imply different things, but often "paradigm" was used more
to describe things that would be better described as "model" or "worldview"
imo anyways, which I prefer to view as different things (yes, "concept" is
another word often overused imo...).

and another complaint is forcing me to read really crappy stories,
especially those that push some particular philosophy or ideals or
"oh, if an innocent man is given the death penalty he will become a martyr
and the inhumanity of it will have been proven", "oh, evil cowboy dude and
stupid plot twists", "oh, he was working with the cowboy to make himself a
martyr", ... bloody hell, and the teacher keeps going on about "paradigm
shifts" the whole time...
this, along with stories like "go ask alice" served to piss me off...

then the teachers say they will offer extra credit to students who go
picketing with them.

I may not necissarily agree or disagree with them, but I tire of things like

imo it is a good thing I graduated highschool...

in case I am stepping on anyone's oppinion here, imo disagreement is a good
it gives those who oppose things something to oppose, and helps keep
balance. I just don't like having crap like that pushed on me...
