distributed computing: GRID
(too old to reply)
2005-04-20 21:21:53 UTC
i have to write an essay detailing the basis of GRID computing

i am still in first year this is entirely a research assignment, and need to
know one thing

GRID computing

i have a WAN setup, to use grid on that WAN i wouldnt need to change
anything, just install an application to set grid away running and install
any protocols that grid may need to use?

is this a correct asumption?

not sure if this is the correct place for this, its a pretty empty subject
area, the only people on the net who are offering up any coo info is IBM and
they are assuming some prior knowledge

Thanks (in advance)

Bing Wu
2005-04-21 11:52:35 UTC
Post by Christo
i have to write an essay detailing the basis of GRID computing
i am still in first year this is entirely a research assignment, and need to
know one thing
GRID computing
i have a WAN setup, to use grid on that WAN i wouldnt need to change
anything, just install an application to set grid away running and install
any protocols that grid may need to use?
is this a correct asumption?
Grid computing is about resource sharing across the internet, in a
distributed model. If you want to setup a Grid over a WAN, it is fine
but what do you want to the Grid to do? If you don't provide any
service, it's not a Grid. Basically, Grid uses Cilent/Server model to
deliver services over the internet. There are a lot of projects, i.e.
***@Home, ***@Home, Globus, Condor, SRB, etc...

A similar purpose to Grid computing but using different approach is
Peer-to-Peer technology. It has a more simplified and
easier-to-implement model. Skype and BitToorrent are among many very
successfull projects.

Post by Christo
Post by Christo
not sure if this is the correct place for this, its a pretty empty subject
area, the only people on the net who are offering up any coo info is IBM and
they are assuming some prior knowledge
Thanks (in advance)
2005-04-21 16:45:44 UTC
Post by Bing Wu
Post by Christo
i have to write an essay detailing the basis of GRID computing
i am still in first year this is entirely a research assignment, and need
to know one thing
GRID computing
i have a WAN setup, to use grid on that WAN i wouldnt need to change
anything, just install an application to set grid away running and
install any protocols that grid may need to use?
is this a correct asumption?
Grid computing is about resource sharing across the internet, in a
distributed model. If you want to setup a Grid over a WAN, it is fine but
what do you want to the Grid to do? If you don't provide any service, it's
not a Grid. Basically, Grid uses Cilent/Server model to deliver services
A similar purpose to Grid computing but using different approach is
Peer-to-Peer technology. It has a more simplified and easier-to-implement
model. Skype and BitToorrent are among many very successfull projects.
Thank you
Jan Jona Javorsek
2005-04-26 09:33:10 UTC
Actually, GRID computing is usually difined a lot diferently from
peer-to-peer computing or distributed computing. The central premise of
GRID is a loose distributed network of resources, made available through
the concept of virtual organisations (VO's). The most simple concept
of this is a GRID-enabled batch processing system, and the usual
implementation of GRID VO's is a through a hierarchy of
mutually-recognising Public Key Infrastructures that define virtual
organisations and issue public keys to organisations, their services and
their users. In the case of GRID used in science (ie., High Energ
Physicy, google for LHC in LCG, the LHC Computing Grid project),
organisations usually set up computing clusters and storage systems that
are then shared via GRID middleware (such as the Globus Toolkit, LCG
Toolkit, Alien, Nordugrid ARC etc.). This middleware enables users to
use their keys for authentication and to submit jobs (remote running
computer processes) to the GRID, acquire and store data from GRID's
repositories. There are other examples, such as the Health Grid, where
the data to be shared is medical data, and the main problem of the
infrastructure is the aggregation of data and the security and privacy

The most well-known implementation of GRID is the Globus Toolkit, but
you should find lots of info if you google for EGEE Grid (the European
Grid project), for example.

But GRID has become a buzzword and many projects and products use it,
even when there is no real connection with the original concept. I have
never looked in the proprietary implementations (they defy the purpose
since the fact of being proprietary means only those organisations that
can invest in the system can participate) but also very different
projects, such as the ActiveGRID, which is in fact a distributed
video-conferencing system.

If you google with the above buzz-words, you should be up and running
with GRID terminology in no time.

Post by Christo
i have to write an essay detailing the basis of GRID computing
i am still in first year this is entirely a research assignment, and need to
know one thing
GRID computing
i have a WAN setup, to use grid on that WAN i wouldnt need to change
anything, just install an application to set grid away running and install
any protocols that grid may need to use?
is this a correct asumption?
not sure if this is the correct place for this, its a pretty empty subject
area, the only people on the net who are offering up any coo info is IBM and
they are assuming some prior knowledge
Thanks (in advance)