RM-ODP interface bindings???
(too old to reply)
John Chludzinski
2004-11-18 15:47:19 UTC
For the computational and definitely for the engineering models
(viewpoint languages), when the standard speaks of binding interfaces,
does it means that for every "send" there there must be a corresonding
"receive"? In other words, whereas in C++ or Smalltalk, I simply need
reference to an object and I can invoke one of the methods defined in
its interface - I do not need to have some method in the calling
objects interface that corresponds to the method I'm invoking. When
the RM-ODP standing uses the language "binding interfaces", is it
referring to something akin to a socket interface (TCP or UDP), where
there's a corresponding obligation for both the initiator and
responder to act (invoke some method/routine) to complete the

---John Chludzinski
John Chludzinski
2004-11-19 05:13:31 UTC
the RM-ODP standing ...
I meant the RM-ODP standard (not standing)!

---John Chludzinski
Edward A. Feustel
2004-11-19 11:53:51 UTC
Post by John Chludzinski
For the computational and definitely for the engineering models
(viewpoint languages), when the standard speaks of binding interfaces,
does it means that for every "send" there there must be a corresonding
"receive"? In other words, whereas in C++ or Smalltalk, I simply need
reference to an object and I can invoke one of the methods defined in
its interface - I do not need to have some method in the calling
objects interface that corresponds to the method I'm invoking. When
the RM-ODP standing uses the language "binding interfaces", is it
referring to something akin to a socket interface (TCP or UDP), where
there's a corresponding obligation for both the initiator and
responder to act (invoke some method/routine) to complete the
---John Chludzinski
The RM-ODP is an abstract specification that exists primarily for the
purpose of comparison and description. It is generic and does not prescribe
a particular implementation.

Thus "binding interface" may have different semantics in the Computational,
Engineering, and Technology Languages. There are correspondence points
between "objects" in each.

It is important to remember that in the RM-ODP, management of binding
interfaces is VERY important, since objects may be created, located,
checkpointed, moved, and retried (in the event of failure) TRANSPARENTLY as
far as the computational viewpoint is concerned. In the engineering
viewpoint, channels, streams, and events must be dealt with in order to
provide this transparency.

So to answer your question, look at the technology that is to furnish the
features you need rather
than at the RM-ODP. For example, CORBA is a technology that supposedly
supports the RM-ODP model. So your question when phrased in terms of CORBA
makes more sense, since CORBA implements the connection of client and

