Windows Server 2003 Network Types?
(too old to reply)
2004-04-25 12:17:22 UTC
Hi there, currently i am doing a reserach on the Microsoft Windows
Server 2003. I was wondering if anyone could help me to find what are
the types of networks that the Windows 2003 Server can manage. If
anyone could suggest me
some websites to go to, i would really appreciate it. I would like to
know how these network diagrams look like.
Thanks in advance for those who helped me find the websites. Please
let me know the website URLs as i need to reference these findings.

Awwal M. Dewa
2004-04-26 11:57:55 UTC
Hi Mr jesspreet:
I think you should be very precise as I dont seem to understand what
you mean. Anyway, Windows Server 2003 can support all Network types
with a very good result if Ethernet. Please be precise.

Awwal Dewa,
Post by jespreet
Hi there, currently i am doing a reserach on the Microsoft Windows
Server 2003. I was wondering if anyone could help me to find what are
the types of networks that the Windows 2003 Server can manage. If
anyone could suggest me
some websites to go to, i would really appreciate it. I would like to
know how these network diagrams look like.
Thanks in advance for those who helped me find the websites. Please
let me know the website URLs as i need to reference these findings.