What is needed to help give the internet self-awareness?
(too old to reply)
2005-02-13 18:56:42 UTC
The brain is known works as a connectionist system where consciousness
can be seen as a field and is an epiphenomenon arising from the self
organizing properities of the neurones network. nternet is also a
connectionsit systme, and by now it must have achieved a critical mass
in the numer of connections and computer power, as evdenced, for
instance, by the distributed computing SETI project. The quetsio here
is: what kind of programs would we have to develop and distribute in
order to help the internet develop awareness and consciousness? How
would we be able to know if it happens, even if it has happened? I sort
of think of building in operating systems at least expert system
engines such as CLIPS, with access to the internet, where scripts would
be able
to run without having access to the user`s data but through very
specific channels. Are there any suspicious programs in the internet or
any suspicious behavior? By connecting to the internet devices we would
be able to give it a more suitable environment for the development of
intelligence and to let it have more avenues fr expression, so that we
would be able to notice its effects. What would such an intelligence
do? Would it let itself be known or would hide? Any ideas?

Fabrizio J Bonsignore, now Danilo J Bonsignore
My hard drive was stolen, *switched* from my pocket. You can read about
some of the contents in it and other drives that might have been stolen
by the same people in another thread under my name, `Fabrizio J
Bonsignore` The title to the thread is `My ard drive was *switched*`.
Any information posted here will be greatly appreciated.

http://www.geocities.com/syntotic (/google)
Martin 53N 1W
2005-02-18 21:35:02 UTC
Post by f***@beethoven.com
The brain is known works as a connectionist system where consciousness
can be seen as a field and is an epiphenomenon arising from the self
organizing properities of the neurones network. nternet is also a
connectionsit systme, and by now it must have achieved a critical mass
in the numer of connections and computer power, as evdenced, for

But what would the internet nodes be aware _of_?

What would be the internet-wide input stimulus, the output, and the
external feedback between that output and the inputs for that
'awareness' to exercise itself?

---------- OS? What's that?!
- Martin - To most people, "Operating System" is unknown & strange.
- 53N 1W - Mandrake 10.1 GNU Linux - An OS for Supercomputers & PCs
Martin_285 - http://www.mandrakelinux.com/en-gb/concept.php3