(too old to reply)
Martin 53N 1W
2004-09-03 13:40:29 UTC
Are the preferences still being used with client 4.05/4.03? On the three
machines I currently have crunching BOINC, when they connect they all say
"Project Prefs: using your defaults." and then: "General prefs: using your
This is related to a question I have...

I'm running both ***@h and CPDN on Boinc. Which project's preferences take
effect if you have different default prefs?

Or do the prefs that take effect oscillate between each project's home
depending on which project last checked home?

Is there going to be a Boinc feature to warn of inconsistent settings?

How can you have _per_ _machine_ prefs rather than just 'home' and 'work'??

One for the Boinc forum I think.

---------- OS? What's that?!
- Martin - To most people, "Operating System" is unknown & strange.
- 53N 1W - Mandrake 10.0.1 GNU Linux
---------- http://www.mandrakelinux.com/en-gb/concept.php3
2004-09-04 02:49:44 UTC
Post by Martin 53N 1W
effect if you have different default prefs?
Shoot I know part of this one. Running multiple machines. I'm allowed a home
work and school setting. When calling up a particular machine I'm given the
options of editing which allows setting if it is at home work of shool So
yes Three are allowed at this point. Several may be at work and several may
be at home, etc... As to which takes effect, this, (I'm told by climate
prediction) is rooted in your machine not the server. They are the same for
each project.
Post by Martin 53N 1W
How can you have _per_ _machine_ prefs rather than just 'home' and 'work'??
I'm told that keeping the added info on a server is just too massive an
undertaking on their part. Each machine???? That's alot of prefferences.
Imagine 5mil Seti users wiht even 3 machines per user, Who's got the hard
drive space? That's 45 mil pages at three pages per machine. Ouch!!! Yes I
asked the followup question of "If the prefferences are on the individual
machine already why can't they be divided instead of lumped into 3
catagories?" No I haven't gotten an answer to that one yet.:-) Your not to
supposed to ask hard questions for free tech support. :-)
Martin 53N 1W
2004-09-04 13:00:08 UTC
Post by Grier
Post by Martin 53N 1W
effect if you have different default prefs?
Post by Grier
yes Three are allowed at this point. Several may be at work and several may
Post by Grier
Post by Martin 53N 1W
How can you have _per_ _machine_ prefs rather than just 'home' and 'work'??
I'm told that keeping the added info on a server is just too massive an
undertaking on their part. Each machine???? That's alot of prefferences.

I was surprised when I realised that they have the preferences stored
server-side. They need to work something out for resolving general
preferences inconsistencies between the servers of different projects
(eg: I change settings on one project, but not on others). And then
there's the server storage overhead.

I would have thought that they would want to take advantage of our local
spare storage as far as reasonable.

The only reason I see for the server-side prefs is that they can easily
maintain a consistent server-served web interface to everything.

Perhaps have an override local prefs config file for each machine? That
could even be mediated by the server web interface with the config file
still locally stored.

Meanwhile, I suspect they have other higher priorities for things to fix
first (:-))

---------- OS? What's that?!
- Martin - To most people, "Operating System" is unknown & strange.
- 53N 1W - Mandrake 10.0.1 GNU Linux
---------- http://www.mandrakelinux.com/en-gb/concept.php3
Gary Heston
2004-09-04 16:04:34 UTC
In article <***@corp.supernews.com>,
Grier <***@charter.net> wrote:
[ ... ]
Post by Grier
I'm told that keeping the added info on a server is just too massive an
undertaking on their part. Each machine???? That's alot of prefferences.
Imagine 5mil Seti users wiht even 3 machines per user, Who's got the hard
drive space? That's 45 mil pages at three pages per machine. Ouch!!!
[ ... ]

No, it's not 45 million pages; it's 45 million database entries which
might take 1K each. That would require 45GB for the main db file, and
probably another 15GB for indexes. Well within the capability of modern
storage devices.

Gary Heston ***@hiwaay.net

Contrary to popular opinion, _not_ everyone loves Raymond.
2004-09-07 03:20:42 UTC
Post by Gary Heston
Post by Grier
That's alot of prefferences.
Imagine 5mil Seti users wiht even 3 machines per user, Who's got the hard
drive space? That's 45 mil pages at three pages per machine. Ouch!!!
[ ... ]
No, it's not 45 million pages; it's 45 million database entries which
might take 1K each. That would require 45GB for the main db file, and
probably another 15GB for indexes. Well within the capability of modern
storage devices.
Technically quite correct. I was picturing the webpages in my head not as
data base entries. The point was they could hardly spare the space when
there is so much else to concern themselves with. Remember the concept is
for other projects to also take off using Boinc. It is far better to use the
consumer (member) hard drive space where possible. Otherwise it becomes
another point for centralized data collection on users And who needs another
big brother
