Report deadlines irrelevant ?
(too old to reply)
Anthony Stokes
2004-08-20 06:47:03 UTC
Given that it is often impossible to connect with ***@home using BOINC
client ( due to the server(s) not running for much of the time ? ) does it
matter that it is often days later than the deadline dates for work units to
be returned before I am able to successfully connect to return the completed
work units .............

Are the returned work units of any use to the project when returned later
than the given 'deadline' ?

Kirk Pearson
2004-08-20 22:00:47 UTC
Post by Anthony Stokes
client ( due to the server(s) not running for much of the time ? ) does it
matter that it is often days later than the deadline dates for work units to
be returned before I am able to successfully connect to return the completed
work units .............
Are the returned work units of any use to the project when returned later
than the given 'deadline' ?
Good question. Since the project is in alpha-test phase (i.e. it's still
in development):

***@home is in alpha-test phase. Please consider that we are still
fixing minor (and sometimes major) problems and therefore some results might
be deleted and some credits reset at any time.

results probably aren't that important anyway at this time, and may not be
valid if they decide the core client code needs to be changed. I think
during this stage of the project, users/testers help it more by testing the
project infrastructure and server code and new versions of the BOINC client
than by generating results within the time limits. Results generated now are
more useful for verifying that the core client works correctly than for
contributing to scientific research.
Kirk Pearson, editor of Internet-based Distributed Computing Projects
Time sneaks up on you like a windshield on a bug. -- John Lithgow