distributed .net
(too old to reply)
Pieter Morlion
2004-11-05 15:25:21 UTC

i am supposed to write a paper on distributed computing with CORBA,
RMI, RPC, DCOM and .NET. I found several webpages concering these
technologies, except for microsoft's .NET (perhaps because 'microsof'
and '.net' are frequently used terms on the internet ?)

If anybody could tell me which technologie(s) / middleware is used in
the .net platform, it would help me a lot. Besides that, if someone
has an overview with the advantages of the middlewares / technologies
mentioned above, i would be very pleased.


Pieter Morlion
Student 3rd year in bachelor informatics, Gent, Belgium
2004-11-29 02:56:21 UTC
you should be really looking at reasearch papers and not websites, try
looking for "dot-net" or "dot net" google scholar
(http://scholar.google.com) and citeseer (http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu)
are your best bet when writing a paper references that are published
in papers are better becasue they are concrete and available, webpages
are transient and aren't always there to look up when you need them,
they tend to get changed.

I found a bunch of results with dot net as the key search.
Post by Pieter Morlion
i am supposed to write a paper on distributed computing with CORBA,
RMI, RPC, DCOM and .NET. I found several webpages concering these
technologies, except for microsoft's .NET (perhaps because 'microsof'
and '.net' are frequently used terms on the internet ?)
If anybody could tell me which technologie(s) / middleware is used in
the .net platform, it would help me a lot. Besides that, if someone
has an overview with the advantages of the middlewares / technologies
mentioned above, i would be very pleased.
Pieter Morlion
Student 3rd year in bachelor informatics, Gent, Belgium