Guidelines for distributed app developers
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Yves Male
2004-03-04 20:38:29 UTC
Hey all,

Can someone recommend a good site or book which discusses guidelines for
writting apps in distributed environment (e.g. one application across
multiple servers).

Can't use the SMP scale up concept... need to figure out rules of thumb for
scaling application out.

Topics covered would be.. when to break your exe into multiple exe's on
different nodes. How to factor Thruput, memory , app memory footprint,


Edward A. Feustel
2004-03-05 12:18:16 UTC
Post by Yves Male
Hey all,
Can someone recommend a good site or book which discusses guidelines for
writting apps in distributed environment (e.g. one application across
multiple servers).
Can't use the SMP scale up concept... need to figure out rules of thumb for
scaling application out.
Topics covered would be.. when to break your exe into multiple exe's on
different nodes. How to factor Thruput, memory , app memory footprint,
You don't say how the servers are connected and this makes a huge
difference. You have to consider the communication time vs. the computation
time. You also have not mentioned how much I/O : Paging is taking place
per computation. This also makes a huge difference, e.g., when a
computational node has to be swapped out and replaced by another or when a
large amount of data must be read in to a given computational node or
written out from one. Nor have you mentioned how much security is required,
e.g., encryption on data stored or transmitted, security protocols, etc.

Good luck.
