(too old to reply)
2004-06-25 20:58:10 UTC
To Good To BE True - Money in Your Mailbox

I am just another skeptical lady about all these fuss about Internet
Business. Most of the ideas required me to
pay certain amount of money to start the business – which I can't
afford. I came from a hard background;
my father is just a farmer where my mother is a housewife. But I
determined to change that. I stumbled to this
$6 idea one day and decided to give it a try……u guess what – it really
works!! I knew I am about to give a
new life to my family. I BELIEVE YOU CAN DO THIS TOO. IF A POOR LADY
EVERYONE CAN…Read the following article and give it a try.

Nasya Kairollyne

Turn just $6 dollars into thousands. Tired of working to hard for
long hours 5 days a week. Do what i did and try this easy to do
moneymaking idea. You don't even have to
leave your house. just follow the steps listed in this letter and
you'll start to see the money roll in.
You only need to start with six dollars. i didn't think this was
possible but i've made enough money to pay for
my college and pay off past school loans in just three months. don't
let this pass you by, you can't afford to.

Dear Friends:


I am a retired attorney. A few years ago a man came to me with a
letter. He asked me to verify the fact that
this was legal to do. I told him I would review it and get back to
him. When I first read the letter my client
brought me, I thought it was some "off-the-wall" idea to make money. A
week and a half later we met in my
office to discuss the issue. I told him the letter he originally
brought me was not 100% legal. My client then
asked me to alter it to make it perfectly legal. I asked him to make
one small change in the letter. I was still
curious about the letter, so he explained to me how it works. I
thought it seemed like a long shot, so I
decided against participating. But before my client left, I asked him
to keep me updated on his results.

About two months later, he called me to tell me he had received over
$800,000 in cash. I didn't believe him,
so he asked me to try this idea and find out for myself. I thought
about it for a couple of days and decided I
really didn't have anything to lose, so I asked him for a copy of the

I followed the instructions exactly, I posted 200 copies, and sure
enough, the money started coming in! It
arrived slowly at first, but coming. I kept a precise record of the
earnings, and in the end, it totaled
$978,493! I could hardly believe it.

I met with my friend for lunch to find out exactly how it worked. He
told me there are quite a few similar
letters around, but this one is different because there are six names
at the end of the letter, not five like some
others. This fact alone results in your name being in far more
returns. The other fact was the help I gave him,
making sure the whole thing was legal, since no one wants to take the
risk of doing something illegal.
By now you are surely curious to know what small changes to make. If
you sent a letter like this one out, in order to be completely legal,
you must actually sell something in order to
receive a dollar in return. So when you send a dollar to each of the
names on the list, you must include these
words, "PLEASE PUT ME ON YOUR MAILING LIST" and include your name and
address. This is the
key to the program. The item you will receive for the dollar you sent
to the six people below is the letter.

At the time I first tried this idea, I was earning a good living as
a lawyer. But everyone in the legal profession will tell you there is
a lot of stress that comes with the job. I
told myself if things worked out, I would retire from my practice and
play golf. I decided to try the letter
again, but this time I sent 500 copies. Three months later , I had
totaled $2,341,178!

Here are a few reasons a person might give for not trying this

Ø Some people think they can never make a lot of money with anything
this simple.

Ø Some are afraid they will be ridiculed for trying.

Ø Some dream of large sums of money, but do nothing to actually
achieve it.

0 Some are just plain lazy.

Ø Some are afraid of losing their investment. They think this program
is designed to beat them out of a few

The system works if you will just try it. But you must follow the
simple instructions exactly, and in less than three months, you will
receive $800,000 GUARANTEED! Keep what you are doing to yourself for
awhile. Many will tell you it
won`t work and will try to talk you out of your dreams. Let them know
of your success after it works.


1. Immediately send $1.00 (or any equal currency) to each of the six
people on the list at the end of this letter. Make sure you put the
correct postage ammount if it's going out of the country.Wrap the
dollar bill in a note saying "PLEASE ADD
ME TO YOUR MAILING LIST " and include your name and address.

2. Copy this letter. You do not have to type it 200 times. Simply
place your cursor at the top of the page, hold it and drag it all
the way down to the end of the letter. Then
click on "edit" and select "copy". Now open up a notepad file on
your computer and put the cursor at the top
of the page in the notepad, click on 'edit' and then select 'paste'
it will copy the letter for you onto your

3. Remove the name next to the #1 on the list and move the rest of
the names up one position (#2 becomes #1, #3 becomes #2, etc..)
Then place your name in the last position.
Then save it, make sure it is saved as a txt. file.

4. When you have completed the instructions, take this letter and
then go to (Google.com,Yahoo.com, etc...) and type in (Making Money
Message board, or post
message,...)and start posting your copy to 200 message boards, or
more; this is only the minimum, you can
post as much as you like...The more copies you send the better the
results. Keep a copy of this letter so you
can use it a second time. Post it out again in six months, but post
it with the addresses you receive with each
dollar. It will work better the second time.

This service is 100% legal - (Refer to Title 18 Section 1302 of the
U.S. Postal & Lottery laws)

How does it work?

When you send out 200 Posts, it is estimated that at least 15 people
will respond and send you a $1.00.

Those 15 will Post 200 Posts each and 225 people send you $1.00

Those 225 people Post 200 Posts each and 3,375 people send you $1.00

Those 3,375 post 200 posts each and 759,375 people send you $1.00

At this point your name drops off the list, but so far you have
received $813,615.00. P.S. When your money
begins to come in, give the first 10% to charity with spirit and
share a good fortune!

1. Mr. Dan P., 6207 Knoxville Dr., Lubbock Texas 79413, USA.

2. L.E. Miller P.O. Box 1121., Lee's Summit, Mo. 64063 USA.

3. Mr. A. Norman. 24 Thunder Lane, Norwich, NR7 0PX, England.

4. Mr. M. Simon, 115 Tmn. Ria 1, Lrg. Ria 1, Jln Lintas, 88300 Kota
Sabah, Malaysia.

5. Nasya Kairollyne, Samling (Plywood) Baramas, Sdn. Bhd, CDT 47,
Kuala Baram Industrial Estate,
98009, Miri Sarawak, Malaysia.

6. Mr. R. Wright, 5-222 Bay Street South, Hamilton, Ontario, L8P4S4,
2004-06-26 17:44:20 UTC
Post by CASH IN
To Good To BE True - Money in Your Mailbox
I am just another skeptical lady about all these fuss about Internet
Business. Most of the ideas required me to
pay certain amount of money to start the business ? which I can't
afford. I came from a hard background;
my father is just a farmer where my mother is a housewife. But I
determined to change that. I stumbled to this
$6 idea one day and decided to give it a try??u guess what ? it really
works!! I knew I am about to give a
new life to my family. I BELIEVE YOU CAN DO THIS TOO. IF A POOR LADY
EVERYONE CAN?Read the following article and give it a try.
Nasya Kairollyne
Turn just $6 dollars into thousands. Tired of working to hard for
long hours 5 days a week. Do what i did and try this easy to do
moneymaking idea. You don't even have to
leave your house. just follow the steps listed in this letter and
you'll start to see the money roll in.
You only need to start with six dollars. i didn't think this was
possible but i've made enough money to pay for
my college and pay off past school loans in just three months. don't
let this pass you by, you can't afford to.
I am a retired attorney. A few years ago a man came to me with a
letter. He asked me to verify the fact that
this was legal to do. I told him I would review it and get back to
him. When I first read the letter my client
brought me, I thought it was some "off-the-wall" idea to make money. A
week and a half later we met in my
office to discuss the issue. I told him the letter he originally
brought me was not 100% legal. My client then
asked me to alter it to make it perfectly legal. I asked him to make
one small change in the letter. I was still
curious about the letter, so he explained to me how it works. I
thought it seemed like a long shot, so I
decided against participating. But before my client left, I asked him
to keep me updated on his results.
About two months later, he called me to tell me he had received over
$800,000 in cash. I didn't believe him,
so he asked me to try this idea and find out for myself. I thought
about it for a couple of days and decided I
really didn't have anything to lose, so I asked him for a copy of the
I followed the instructions exactly, I posted 200 copies, and sure
enough, the money started coming in! It
arrived slowly at first, but coming. I kept a precise record of the
earnings, and in the end, it totaled
$978,493! I could hardly believe it.
I met with my friend for lunch to find out exactly how it worked. He
told me there are quite a few similar
letters around, but this one is different because there are six names
at the end of the letter, not five like some
others. This fact alone results in your name being in far more
returns. The other fact was the help I gave him,
making sure the whole thing was legal, since no one wants to take the
risk of doing something illegal.
By now you are surely curious to know what small changes to make. If
you sent a letter like this one out, in order to be completely legal,
you must actually sell something in order to
receive a dollar in return. So when you send a dollar to each of the
names on the list, you must include these
words, "PLEASE PUT ME ON YOUR MAILING LIST" and include your name and
address. This is the
key to the program. The item you will receive for the dollar you sent
to the six people below is the letter.
At the time I first tried this idea, I was earning a good living as
a lawyer. But everyone in the legal profession will tell you there is
a lot of stress that comes with the job. I
told myself if things worked out, I would retire from my practice and
play golf. I decided to try the letter
again, but this time I sent 500 copies. Three months later , I had
totaled $2,341,178!
Here are a few reasons a person might give for not trying this
Ø Some people think they can never make a lot of money with anything
this simple.
Ø Some are afraid they will be ridiculed for trying.
Ø Some dream of large sums of money, but do nothing to actually
achieve it.
0 Some are just plain lazy.
Ø Some are afraid of losing their investment. They think this program
is designed to beat them out of a few
The system works if you will just try it. But you must follow the
simple instructions exactly, and in less than three months, you will
receive $800,000 GUARANTEED! Keep what you are doing to yourself for
awhile. Many will tell you it
won`t work and will try to talk you out of your dreams. Let them know
of your success after it works.
1. Immediately send $1.00 (or any equal currency) to each of the six
people on the list at the end of this letter. Make sure you put the
correct postage ammount if it's going out of the country.Wrap the
dollar bill in a note saying "PLEASE ADD
ME TO YOUR MAILING LIST " and include your name and address.
2. Copy this letter. You do not have to type it 200 times. Simply
place your cursor at the top of the page, hold it and drag it all
the way down to the end of the letter. Then
click on "edit" and select "copy". Now open up a notepad file on
your computer and put the cursor at the top
of the page in the notepad, click on 'edit' and then select 'paste'
it will copy the letter for you onto your
3. Remove the name next to the #1 on the list and move the rest of
the names up one position (#2 becomes #1, #3 becomes #2, etc..)
Then place your name in the last position.
Then save it, make sure it is saved as a txt. file.
4. When you have completed the instructions, take this letter and
then go to (Google.com,Yahoo.com, etc...) and type in (Making Money
Message board, or post
message,...)and start posting your copy to 200 message boards, or
more; this is only the minimum, you can
post as much as you like...The more copies you send the better the
results. Keep a copy of this letter so you
can use it a second time. Post it out again in six months, but post
it with the addresses you receive with each
dollar. It will work better the second time.
This service is 100% legal - (Refer to Title 18 Section 1302 of the
U.S. Postal & Lottery laws)
How does it work?
When you send out 200 Posts, it is estimated that at least 15 people
will respond and send you a $1.00.
Those 15 will Post 200 Posts each and 225 people send you $1.00
Those 225 people Post 200 Posts each and 3,375 people send you $1.00
Those 3,375 post 200 posts each and 759,375 people send you $1.00
At this point your name drops off the list, but so far you have
received $813,615.00. P.S. When your money
begins to come in, give the first 10% to charity with spirit and
share a good fortune!
1. Mr. Dan P., 6207 Knoxville Dr., Lubbock Texas 79413, USA.
2. L.E. Miller P.O. Box 1121., Lee's Summit, Mo. 64063 USA.
3. Mr. A. Norman. 24 Thunder Lane, Norwich, NR7 0PX, England.
4. Mr. M. Simon, 115 Tmn. Ria 1, Lrg. Ria 1, Jln Lintas, 88300 Kota
Sabah, Malaysia.
5. Nasya Kairollyne, Samling (Plywood) Baramas, Sdn. Bhd, CDT 47,
Kuala Baram Industrial Estate,
98009, Miri Sarawak, Malaysia.
6. Mr. R. Wright, 5-222 Bay Street South, Hamilton, Ontario, L8P4S4,
Why is there an ILLEGAL pyramid chain letter POSTED HERE ???
Toynbee Jupiter
2004-06-28 07:18:56 UTC
Post by Rick
Why is there an ILLEGAL pyramid chain letter POSTED HERE ???
That depends on the news server you're using rick. I hardly get any spam
or porn messages unless someone replies to it :). Just ingore them.
Jon Harris
2004-06-28 18:31:43 UTC
Post by Rick
Why is there an ILLEGAL pyramid chain letter POSTED HERE ???
I didn't get the original message, just your reply to it (which thoughtfully
reposted the entire message, giving the spammer even broader exposure).
Sacre Vert
2004-06-29 11:08:53 UTC
Post by Rick
Post by CASH IN
To Good To BE True - Money in Your Mailbox
Why is there an ILLEGAL pyramid chain letter POSTED HERE ???
Wow - lets all join in keeping this message at the top of the news
list on Google ;-)

It may be illegal in your jurisdiction but in many others it is not.
just because it may be illegal to advertise this sort of scheme - what
price freedom of speech - it is technically not possible to filter
this message from your getting to your machine.

In the limit I suppose that you could post your exact whereabouts with
your ISP who would then manually screen all posts and data feeds to
your machine for possibly illegal data streams. How much will you pay
them to protect your over sensitive eyes? I wonder how much their
operator could then sell your personal and financial informaation for

In your jurisdiction there are many things that are legal and
considered normal and acceptable, but which in mine (and many others)
would be considered taboo.

2004-07-04 06:07:21 UTC
Post by Sacre Vert
Post by Rick
Post by CASH IN
To Good To BE True - Money in Your Mailbox
Why is there an ILLEGAL pyramid chain letter POSTED HERE ???
Wow - lets all join in keeping this message at the top of the news
list on Google ;-)
It may be illegal in your jurisdiction but in many others it is not.
just because it may be illegal to advertise this sort of scheme - what
price freedom of speech - it is technically not possible to filter
this message from your getting to your machine.
In the limit I suppose that you could post your exact whereabouts with
your ISP who would then manually screen all posts and data feeds to
your machine for possibly illegal data streams. How much will you pay
them to protect your over sensitive eyes? I wonder how much their
operator could then sell your personal and financial informaation for
In your jurisdiction there are many things that are legal and
considered normal and acceptable, but which in mine (and many others)
would be considered taboo.
And HOW is this related to FONTS ? I must be missing something here