A Technical Report on Windows/.NET-based Grid Computing Framework
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Rajkumar Buyya
2004-02-11 03:17:32 UTC
Dear All,

As you know, as part of the
The Global Data-Intensive Grid Collaboration
the Gridbus Project at the University of Melbourne has demonstrated creation of a
World-largest that integrates both Windows-based and Unix-based Grid resources.
One of the Grid technologies that played a leading in making this
happen are our Grid Service Broker and .NET-based Grid framework (Alchemi)
developed by the Gridbus Project.

A technical report describing this new Grid system and how this has
been achieved has been released. A short abstract on this is given below.
You will be able download full report from the Gridbus Project Website:
We will soon be releasing a stable version of Alchemi [stay tuned].


Title: Alchemi: A .NET-based Grid Computing Framework and its Integration into
Global Grids
Authors: Akshay Luther, Rajkumar Buyya, Rajiv Ranjan, and Srikumar Venugopal
Comments: 17 pages, 12 figures, 2 tables
Report-no: GRIDS-TR-2003-8
Subj-class: Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing
ACM-class: C.2.4
Journal-ref: Technical Report, GRIDS-TR-2003-8, Grid Computing and Distributed
Systems Laboratory, University of Melbourne, Australia, December 2003
Computational grids that couple geographically distributed resources are
becoming the de-facto computing platform for solving large-scale problems in
science, engineering, and commerce. Software to enable grid computing has been
primarily written for Unix-class operating systems, thus severely limiting the
ability to effectively utilize the computing resources of the vast majority of
desktop computers i.e. those running variants of the Microsoft Windows
operating system. Addressing Windows-based grid computing is particularly
important from the software industry's viewpoint where interest in grids is
emerging rapidly. Microsoft's .NET Framework has become near-ubiquitous for
implementing commercial distributed systems for Windows-based platforms,
positioning it as the ideal platform for grid computing in this context. In
this paper we present Alchemi, a .NET-based grid computing framework that
provides the runtime machinery and programming environment required to
construct desktop grids and develop grid applications. It allows flexible
application composition by supporting an object-oriented grid application
programming model in addition to a grid job model. Cross-platform support is
provided via a web services interface and a flexible execution model supports
dedicated and non-dedicated (voluntary) execution by grid nodes.

Full paper: http://www.cs.mu.oz.au/~raj/papers/Alchemi.pdf
Lou G.
2004-03-05 21:15:29 UTC
Rajkumar: The link to the full paper ../Alchemi.pdf is broken...NOthing appears.
Post by Rajkumar Buyya
Dear All,
As you know, as part of the
The Global Data-Intensive Grid Collaboration
the Gridbus Project at the University of Melbourne has demonstrated creation of a
World-largest that integrates both Windows-based and Unix-based Grid resources.
One of the Grid technologies that played a leading in making this
happen are our Grid Service Broker and .NET-based Grid framework (Alchemi)
developed by the Gridbus Project.
A technical report describing this new Grid system and how this has
been achieved has been released. A short abstract on this is given below.
We will soon be releasing a stable version of Alchemi [stay tuned].
Title: Alchemi: A .NET-based Grid Computing Framework and its Integration into
Global Grids
Authors: Akshay Luther, Rajkumar Buyya, Rajiv Ranjan, and Srikumar Venugopal
Comments: 17 pages, 12 figures, 2 tables
Report-no: GRIDS-TR-2003-8
Subj-class: Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing
ACM-class: C.2.4
Journal-ref: Technical Report, GRIDS-TR-2003-8, Grid Computing and Distributed
Systems Laboratory, University of Melbourne, Australia, December 2003
Computational grids that couple geographically distributed resources are
becoming the de-facto computing platform for solving large-scale problems in
science, engineering, and commerce. Software to enable grid computing has been
primarily written for Unix-class operating systems, thus severely limiting the
ability to effectively utilize the computing resources of the vast majority of
desktop computers i.e. those running variants of the Microsoft Windows
operating system. Addressing Windows-based grid computing is particularly
important from the software industry's viewpoint where interest in grids is
emerging rapidly. Microsoft's .NET Framework has become near-ubiquitous for
implementing commercial distributed systems for Windows-based platforms,
positioning it as the ideal platform for grid computing in this context. In
this paper we present Alchemi, a .NET-based grid computing framework that
provides the runtime machinery and programming environment required to
construct desktop grids and develop grid applications. It allows flexible
application composition by supporting an object-oriented grid application
programming model in addition to a grid job model. Cross-platform support is
provided via a web services interface and a flexible execution model supports
dedicated and non-dedicated (voluntary) execution by grid nodes.
Full paper: http://www.cs.mu.oz.au/~raj/papers/Alchemi.pdf