Installation of openPBS
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Saurabh Daptardar
2004-06-16 22:34:05 UTC
We are trying to install openPBS (2.3.16) on two linux machines
(Mandrake and Redhat)

We are able to submit jobs and execute them but the output file does
not get transferred from one machine to another.

We have configured rsh and ssh to work without passwords.

The following syntax does not work in scp

scp ***@host1:file1 ***@host:file2

but the following syntax works

scp file1 ***@host:file2 and scp ***@host1:file1 file2

Similar error in rcp
with error message :- rmcd :Connection reset by peer

Does any body have a solution ? Please help.
2004-06-27 09:39:00 UTC
Post by Saurabh Daptardar
We are trying to install openPBS (2.3.16) on two linux machines
(Mandrake and Redhat)
We are able to submit jobs and execute them but the output file does
not get transferred from one machine to another.
We have configured rsh and ssh to work without passwords.
The following syntax does not work in scp
but the following syntax works
Similar error in rcp
with error message :- rmcd :Connection reset by peer
Does any body have a solution ? Please help.
I'm a little new to the field, so take my advice with a grain of salt.
However, it would appear that all of the users in your cluster are
identical for each node, and/or 'user2' does not have the "authorized
keys" for 'user1'. You should verify that your users have keys for
the other user or you should try copying the file as the same user.

BTW, I'm a little curious how this applies to openPBS? I have applied
for the software, but was unwilling to provide actual contact
information since they weren't an SSL site. Don't think I'm going to
get "approved". Anyhow....rambling..... ;)

